Seth Orgel, Horn

Fast Facts

  • Member, Atlantic Brass Quintet.

  • Manship Professor of Horn and chamber music coordinator at Louisiana State University.

  • Former member, Syracuse Symphony; orchestral credits include the Chicago Symphony, Rhode Island Philharmonic, Rochester Philharmonic, Buffalo Philharmonic, Louisiana Philharmonic, Baton Rouge Symphony, and Memphis Symphony.

Seth Orgel is the Manship Professor of Horn and chamber music coordinator at Louisiana State University. He started his career with a brief stint in the Filarmonica de Caracas in Venezuela, Orgel spent 13 seasons with the Syracuse (NY) Symphony. After joining the Atlantic Brass Quintet Orgel moved to Boston to pursue an active freelance career including shows, jazz orchestras, orchestral and chamber work. Other orchestral credits include the Baton Rouge Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, IRIS Chamber Orchestra in Memphis, TN, Louisiana Philharmonic the Memphis Symphony, Rhode Island Philharmonic and the Rochester Philharmonic.

Orgel continues to play and teach with the Atlantic Brass Quintet. Atlantic tours both internationally and nationally. International tours have included Canada, Costa Rica, Egypt, Great Britain, Guatemala, France, India, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Taiwan and Yemen as well as most of the 50 states. Atlantic has a long running summer seminar now hosted by Lawrence Conservatory in Appleton, WI. Previous hosts for the quintet’s seminar have been Boston University, Boston College, MIT, Northeastern University, Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts. The Atlantic Brass Quintet has ten CDs available, the most recent, Ascent, featuring a commission for Atlantic by Shane Endsley of kneebody.

Orgel has degrees from Northwestern University and Louisiana State University and has been at LSU since 1999. His principal teachers were Dale Clevenger, Richard Oldberg and Gail Williams. Teaching appointments include The Boston Conservatory, Boston University, and the Boston University Tanglewood Institute in addition to his current position at Louisiana State University. His students are working in orchestras, military bands, and teaching institutions around the country. At LSU Orgel plays regularly with the Timm woodwind quintet and the faculty brass quintet.